WTC Committee Election for 2017



A WTC cycle has come to an end, it’s time for renewal of the committee. Members who have served two years step down, but can be re-elected.

At this time, the terms of Michael Winters and Teemu Aro have expired. Klaas Luyckx has also elected to step down from his position early.

Therefore 3 spots are open for election to the Committee by the current team Captains – both Guild Ball and Warmachine/Hordes captains. This is a call for players interested in being considered for the spots to submit their names to the Committee via the email address: The deadline for the nomination process is Sunday, October 29th, 2017.

The Committee is looking to add people with a Guild Ball profile, to further harmonize and integrate the event across games. However, competence and commitment is more important than which game one plays, so we don’t intend to enforce any quota. That being said, we aim to add at least one committee member with a clear Guild Ball background.

The Captains will have 2 weeks to vote on the nominees (deadline November 12th, 2017).

Candidates should submit any information that they feel would be relevant for the Captains to hear to help inform their vote. It is recommended to include your name, city/state/country, relevant game qualifications, real world skills you bring, and why you would like to be considered for one of the Committee’s positions.

Responsibilities for Committee members are to discuss and manage issues that come up with regards to the management of the event, in conjunction with the hosting team who are primarily responsible for the logistics of the event. Time commitments vary depending where in the process of the event is, but expect to spend 1 evening a week on average on WTC matters (spread over the course of the week) for a full year. Expect to spend time (non-exhaustive list) on communication with the public and with game publishers, chasing sponsors, coordinating judges and rules, coordinating social media and streaming, and overseeing logistical issues.

Feel free to contact a current Committee member if you are seriously interested and have some more specific questions.


Looking forward to your candidacies!

-The WTC Committee

About WTC Committee

The World Team Championship of Warmachine
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